The Psychological Theories Behind Learning Through Play

Play. Fun. Joy. These are the pil­lars of Improv 2 Improve. After years of guid­ing chil­dren through nav­i­gat­ing bul­ly­ing, trau­ma, sad­ness, aca­d­e­m­ic chal­lenges, lan­guage bar­ri­ers and many oth­er human strug­gles, we have found one tool that enables chil­dren to begin to grow and learn from all of these chal­lenges: play!

Here at i2i, joy LOVES com­pa­ny! So we are always thrilled when we find out that oth­ers have found that same pro­found­ly impor­tant key in help­ing chil­dren. Pen­ta­gon Play knows this as well as we do. Read their arti­cle to learn more about why play is so impor­tant and down­load a free game when you’re done!

Learn­ing through play appears to be a sim­ple notion but has pro­found meaning.

It helps chil­dren make sense of the world around them through dis­cov­ery, allow­ing them to devel­op cog­ni­tive­ly, social­ly, emo­tion­al­ly and physically.

The impor­tance of play has been stud­ied by var­i­ous psy­chol­o­gists and sci­en­tists for over a century.

Jean Piaget (1962) was the first psy­chol­o­gist to make the sys­tem­at­ic study of children’s cog­ni­tive development. 

Piaget viewed play as inte­gral to the devel­op­ment of intel­li­gence in chil­dren. His the­o­ry of play argues that as the child matures, their envi­ron­ment and play should encour­age fur­ther cog­ni­tive and lan­guage development.”


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Lisa Poskanzer

Lisa Poskanzer

Lisa Poskanzer is the Director of Joy & Co-creator of Improv 2 Improve. Lisa finds joy walking on the beach and gardening.