Play. Fun. Joy.


It’s serious business!

Improv to Improve, LLC creates fun, interactive, joyful learning programs for children and the adults who care for them.

Improv to Improve pro­gram­ming is based on cur­rent brain research which sup­ports the pos­i­tive effect of play and fun on devel­op­ing brain archi­tec­ture for learn­ing and fur­ther sup­ports short peri­ods of intense prac­tice with more fre­quent peri­ods of rest.


i2i is a cur­ricu­lum for edu­ca­tors and child care pro­fes­sion­als to teach and prac­tice oral lan­guage and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills; to devel­op strong class/group man­age­ment; and to cre­ate a sense of com­mu­ni­ty at school and out of school.


PlayProv is an hour of play, fun, and joy! Our after­school pro­gram for kids (4 and up) to play games and have fun in a safe envi­ron­ment while unknow­ing­ly learn­ing how to inter­act, engage, and com­mu­ni­cate well with oth­ers. They need only their own selves: no screens, no equip­ment, no com­po­nents, no bat­ter­ies, no replace­ments. Sim­ply one’s own body and mind is all that’s nec­es­sary to play, have fun, feel joy

Both pro­grams are built around two packs of game cards which can be played any­time, any­where, with any­one while not need­ing com­po­nents, work­sheets, fields, or uniforms.

Our Teachers In Their Own Words

Still won­der­ing how well the games work? Hear direct­ly from teach­ers who’ve already had suc­cess with them.

I was so impressed by so many things you did today. The games were great, the mate­ri­als you’ve made are absolute­ly phe­nom­e­nal, and my mind is still blown by the way you tied every­thing into the standards. 
— Susan Rothman 
Spe­cial Edu­ca­tion Teacher 
The chil­dren were relaxed and ready to learn after play­ing a quick improv game. The games can be played quick­ly between lessons, and are a great way to relieve stress & anxiety. 
— Dawn Harrison 
1st Grade Teacher 
Far exceed­ed my expec­ta­tions. My stu­dents were extreme­ly recep­tive to the games. 
— Gin­ger Evans 
After­school Director